Partial Class StockPrice Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load 'Define variables Dim dateTimeLabel As String Dim lowerLimit As Integer, upperLimit As Integer 'Setting limits lowerLimit = 30 upperLimit = 35 'Generate a random value - and round it to 2 decimal places Dim randomValue As Integer, randomNum As New Random randomValue = randomNum.Next(lowerLimit, upperLimit) 'Generate the x-axis label (time in hh:mm:ss format) Dim objToday As Date = Now dateTimeLabel = objToday.Hour.ToString + ":" + objToday.Minute.ToString + ":" + objToday.Second.ToString 'Now write it to output stream Response.Write("&label=" + dateTimeLabel + "&value=" + randomValue.ToString) End Sub End Class