Let us take a look at the Text Annotation here. The Text annotation looks like just any other text on the chart - just that you can place any number of text annotations anywhere on the chart. A text annotation would look as under: |
The XML to create the above is: |
<annotationGroup id='Grp1' >
<annotation type='text' x='200' y='200' label='Text' />
</chart> |
As is very clear from the code above, we need to set the annotation type to text, specify the x and y co-ordinates where we want the text to be placed and finally, the label of the text annotation - what we want to be displayed in the text annotation. |
Customizing font face, size & color |
The font face, size & color can be customized using the font, fontSize and fontColor attributes. font='Arial', fontSize='15', fontColor='639ACE' would give us: |
Formatting the text |
Various kinds of formatting can be applied to the text - bold, italics, underline. The text can be made bold, italicized and underlined by using the bold, italic and underline attributes and setting the required ones to 1. |
Multi-line text |
Text can be made multi-line by separating the lines by <BR> which has to be represented as <BR>. For example, label='Line 1 text<BR>Line 2' would yield: |
Wrapping text |
Text can be wrapped by setting wrap='1' and then defining either a wrap width or height or both, exceeding which the text would be wrapped. Suppose we have a text label 'Text Annotation Label'. We set wrap='1' and set a wrap width of 40 for it by setting wrapWidth='40'. So the width of the textbox in which this text is placed would be 40 and the remaining text would be wrapped to the next line. |
Adding a background fill and border |
A background fill can be added to the text using the bgColor attribute. A border can be added using the borderColor attribute. As an example, we would set bgColor='E1F5FF' and borderColor='639ACE'. |
Aligning text |
The text can be horizontally aligned (left, center or right) using the align attribute and vertically aligned (top, middle or bottom) using the vAlign attribute. It is especially useful for text spanning multiple lines. |
The various attributes using which the text annotation can be customized are: |
type |
Rectangle, Circle, Polygon, Line, Arc, Text, Image |
Needs to be set to Text to create a rectangle annotation type. |
x |
Number |
The starting x co-ordinate for the annotation. This x co-ordinate is relative to the x co-ordinate of the annotation group in which the annotation is placed. For example, if you have set the x co-ordinate of the annotation group as 50 and the x co-ordinate of the annotation is 100, then th effective x co-ordinate of the annotation would be 150 w.r.t to the starting position of the chart. |
y |
Number |
The starting y co-ordinate for the annotation. This again is relative to the starting y co-ordinate of the annotation group in which the annotation is placed. |
color |
Hex Color (without the '#') |
A generic color for the annotation from which fill color and border color (whichever applies) will be derived automatically. |
label |
String |
Herein, you specify the text that you want to displayed using the text annotation. |
align |
left/center/right |
This attribute sets the horizontal alignment of the text.
Default value: center. |
vAlign |
top/middle/bottom |
This attribute sets the vertical alignment of the text.
Default value: middle. |
font |
Font Face |
This attribute sets the font name in which you want the text label to be displayed in.
Default Value: Verdana |
fontSize |
Number |
This attribute sets the font size of the text label.
Default value: 10 |
fontColor |
Hex code (without the '#') |
This attribute sets the font color of the text label. By default, the value is the same as defined by the generic color attribute. |
bold |
Boolean (0 or 1) |
Whether the text would be bold or not. |
italic |
Boolean (0 or 1) |
Whether the text would be italicized or not. |
underline |
Boolean (0 or 1) |
Whether the text would be underlined or not. |
letterSpacing |
Number |
The letter spacing for the text.
Default value: 0. |
leftMargin |
Number |
The margin to the left of the text. |
bgColor |
Hex code (without the '#') |
The background color of the box in which the text is placed. |
borderColor |
Hex code (without the '#') |
The border color of the text box. |
wrap |
Boolean (0 or 1) |
This attribute lets you define whether you want the text to be wrapped or not to the next line. |
wrapWidth |
Number |
The maximum width after occupying which, the remaining text(if any) would be wrapped to the next line. |
wrapHeight |
Number |
The maximum possible height you would need for the texbox if you have set wrapping on. |
Application |
The XML for the above is: |
<chart ... >
<annotation type='rectangle' xPos='120' yPos='60' toXPos='280' toYPos='120' radius='0' fillcolor='333333' fillAlpha='5'/>
<annotation type='line' xPos='120' yPos='60' toYPos='120' color='333333' thickness='2'/>
<annotation type='line' xPos='280' yPos='60' toYPos='120' color='333333' thickness='2'/>
<annotation type='line' xPos='120' yPos='60' toXPos='125' color='333333' thickness='2'/>
<annotation type='line' xPos='120' yPos='120' toXPos='125' color='333333' thickness='2'/>
<annotation type='line' xPos='275' yPos='60' toXPos='280' color='333333' thickness='2'/>
<annotation type='line' xPos='275' yPos='120' toXPos='280' color='333333' thickness='2'/>
<annotation type='text' label='Fuel left in tanker' font='Verdana' xPos='145' yPos='65' align='left' vAlign='left' fontcolor='333333' fontSize='10' isBold='1'/>
<annotation type='text' label='(expressed in ltrs)' font='Verdana' xPos='144' yPos='80' align='left' vAlign='left' fontcolor='333333' fontSize='10'/>
<annotation type='text' label='3650' font='Verdana' xPos='145' yPos='95' align='left' vAlign='left' fontcolor='333333' fontSize='10' isbold='1'/>
</chart> |