FusionWidgets bullet graphs allow you to configure a lot of its functional and cosmetic properties. Here, we'll see how to:

Let's see each of them one by one.

Using palettes

The bullet graphs offer 5 pre-defined color palettes for you to choose from. Each of these palettes are accessible by the number 1-5. To choose a palette, all you need to do is set:

<chart palette='2' or '3' or ..>

Shown below are a few examples of palettes applied on our previous graph:

Palette 2 applied
Palette 3 applied
Palette 4 applied

Additionally, you can also define an entire new palette by setting a single theme color using:

<chart paletteThemeColor='669933' palette='2'..>

This will create a new palette derived from this color and then color the chart as under:

Customizing plot & target properties

You can customize the plot & target color properties using:

<chart ... plotFillColor='CC0000' plotFillAlpha='90' targetColor='CC0000' targetThickness='4' ...>

This will result in:


You can also add a border to the plot bar using:

<chart ... plotFillColor='CCCCCC' showPlotBorder='1' plotBorderColor='333333' plotBorderThickness='1' plotBorderAlpha='100' ..>

This will result in:


You can configure the thickness (height in horizontal bullet graph; width in vertical bullet graph) of the value bar and target line using:

<chart ... plotFillPercent='20' targetFillPercent='25' ...>

Here, we've made both the plot bar and target line thinner, as shown below:

Customizing color range properties

You can specify the color range's gradient mix and ratio in FusionWidgets gradient formula as under:

<chart ... colorRangeFillMix='{light-30},{dark-10},{color}' colorRangeFillRatio='5,10,85' ..>

This will result in:


To get a 2D look (without any gradient), you can set:

<chart ... colorRangeFillMix='' ...>

This will result in:


You can remove the chart's shadow using:

<chart ... showShadow='0' ...>

This will result in:


You can also opt to show color range border using:

<chart ... showColorRangeBorder='1' colorRangeBorderColor='666666' colorRangeBorderThickness='1' colorRangeBorderAlpha='100' colorRangeFillMix='' showShadow='0' ..>

This will result in:

Tick mark customizations

In a horizontal bullet graph, you can opt to show tick marks below the graph or above the graph. In a vertical, you can choose whether to show it at left or right. In horizontal, to move the tick marks up, you'll need to set:

<chart ... ticksBelowGraph='0' ..>

This will result in:


You can hide tick marks and values using:

<chart ... showTickMarks='0' showTickValues='0' ...>

This will result in:


You can control the number of tick marks using:

<chart ... majorTMNumber='6' minorTMNumber='3' ...>

This will result in:


You can customize tick mark properties using:

<chart ... majorTMColor='AAAAAA' majorTMAlpha='100' majorTMHeight='10' majorTMThickness='1' minorTMColor='BBBBBB' minorTMAlpha='100' minorTMHeight='6' minorTMThickness='1' ...>

This will result in:

Plotting as point instead of bar

You can opt to show the plot as point, instead of bar, using:

<chart ... plotAsDot='1' ...>

This will result in:

Hiding chart value

You can hide chart value by setting:

<chart ... showValue='0' chartRightMargin='30' ...>

Here, we've also increased the chart's right margin, so that the axis values do not go out of chart. You'll get a chart as under: