As we told you earlier, drawing pad can be used to create prccess flow diagrams. Here, we will use it to create a process flow diagram which depicts how the dataURL method of FusionCharts works.


The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.
The XML for the above is:

<chart bgColor='E1F5FF'>

      <!--Group containing the rectangles-->
      <annotationGroup id='Grp1' >
         <annotation type='rectangle' x='30' y='100' toXPos='110' toYPos='220' radius='5' color='453269' />
         <annotation type='rectangle' x='235' y='100' toXPos='315' toYPos='220' radius='5' color='453269' />
         <annotation type='rectangle' x='440' y='100' toXPos='520' toYPos='220' radius='5' color='453269' />

      <!--Group containing the text inside the rectangles-->
      <annotationGroup id='Grp2'>
         <annotation type='text' x='70' y='155' fontSize='12' isBold='1' label='Chart' color='FFFFFF'/>
         <annotation type='text' x='275' y='140' fontSize='12' isBold='1' label='Scripts' color='FFFFFF'/>
         <annotation type='text' x='275' y='170' label='ASP/PHP/.NET/.. pages' color='EFEBF5' wrap='1' wrapWidth='60'/>
         <annotation type='text' x='480' y='155' fontSize='12' isBold='1' label='Database' color='FFFFFF'/>

      <!--Group containing all the dscription text -->
      <annotationGroup id='Grp3' >
         <annotation type='text' x='70' y='65' label='1. HTML provides the URL of XML data document to chart' wrap='1' wrapWidth='100' color='453269'/>
         <annotation type='text' x='170' y='130' label='2. Chart sends a request to the specified URL for XML data' wrap='1' wrapWidth='100' color='453269'/>
         <annotation type='text' x='380' y='130' label='3. These pages now interact with the database' wrap='1' wrapWidth='100' color='453269'/>
         <annotation type='text' x='380' y='200' label='4. Data returned back to the scipts in native objects' wrap='1' wrapWidth='100' color='453269'/>
         <annotation type='text' x='275' y='255' label='5. Scripts convert it into XML and finally output it' wrap='1' wrapWidth='100' color='453269'/>
         <annotation type='text' x='170' y='200' label='6. XML data is returned to the chart' wrap='1' wrapWidth='100' color='453269'/>
         <annotation type='text' x='70' y='250' label='7. Chart is finally rendered' wrap='1' wrapWidth='100' color='453269'/>

      <!--Group containing all the arrows-->
      <annotationGroup id='Grp4'>
         <!--arrow for process 2-->
         <annotation type='line' x='120' y='160' toX='220' color='453269' />
         <annotation type='line' x='215' y='155' toX='220' toY='160' color='453269' />
         <annotation type='line' x='215' y='165' toX='220' toY='160' color='453269' />

         <!--arrow for process 6-->
         <annotation type='line' x='120' y='175' toX='220' color='453269' />
         <annotation type='line' x='125' y='170' toX='120' toY='175' color='453269' />
         <annotation type='line' x='125' y='180' toX='120' toY='175' color='453269' />

         <!--arrow for process 3-->
         <annotation type='line' x='325' y='155' toX='435' color='453269' />
         <annotation type='line' x='430' y='150' toX='435' toY='155' color='453269' />
         <annotation type='line' x='430' y='160' toX='435' toY='155' color='453269' />

         <!--arrow for process 4-->
         <annotation type='line' x='325' y='170' toX='435' color='453269' />
         <annotation type='line' x='330' y='165' toX='325' toY='170' color='453269' />
         <annotation type='line' x='330' y='175' toX='325' toY='170' color='453269' />

      <!--Group containing the header-->
      <annotationGroup id='Grp5'>
         <annotation type='text' label='FusionCharts dataURL method' fontSize='16' fontColor='666666' isBold='1' x='270' y='20'/>

         <!--Shadow for the rectangles-->
         <style name='Shadow1' type='shadow' distance='7'/>
         <!--Shadow for the labels inside the rectangles-->
         <style name='Shadow2' type='shadow' strength='3'/>
         <!--Shadow for the description text but with alpha 0 so that the text gets converted into bitmap and can be animated then-->
         <style name='Shadow3' type='shadow' alpha='0'/>
         <style name='AnimX' type='animation' param='_x' start='-50' wait='0' duration='1' easing='Bounce'/>
         <style name='AnimY' type='animation' param='_y' start='-30' wait='1' duration='1' easing='Bounce'/>
         <style name='AnimXScale' type='animation' param='_xScale' start='0' end='100' wait='2' duration='0.5'/>
         <style name='AnimAlpha' type='animation' param='_alpha' start='0' wait='2' duration='1'/>
         <style name='AnimY2' type='animation' param='_y' start='-50' wait='2' duration='1'/>

         <apply toObject='Grp1' styles='Shadow1, AnimX'/>
         <apply toObject='Grp2' styles='Shadow2, AnimY'/>
         <apply toObject='Grp3' styles='Shadow3,AnimY2'/>
         <apply toObject='Grp4' styles='AnimXScale, AnimAlpha'/>


The process flow diagram can be divided into the following elements:

  • The rectangular boxes, each with their starting and ending co-ordinates, color and rounding radius. These boxes are created in Grp1.
  • The label inside the boxes (Chart, Scripts etc) with its font properties. These labels are created in Grp2.
  • The process description text with its font properties defined in Grp3.
  • The arrows, each with their starting and ending co-ordinates and color defined in Grp4.
  • The header of the entire diagram defined in Grp5.

After that, we have used Styles to apply shadow effects and animate the entire diagram. For more on Styles, please check out the Using Styles section.