Data streaming charts are the real-time charts which automatically update themselves every n seconds, by getting new data from server without involving any page refreshes. These charts are the chart types that you see in live stock monitoring, where in the chart first presents a historical data for a given time, and as and when new data is available, the chart downloads that and displays it, discarding the first value.

FusionWidgets v3 currently offers the following 6 data-streaming charts:

  • Real-time Area
  • Real-time Column
  • Real-time Line
  • Real-time Stacked Area
  • Real-time Stacked Column
  • Real-time Line (Dual Y)

Potential uses of these kind of charts are:

  • Network monitoring applications
  • Stock/finance monitoring applications
  • Manufacturing process indicators
  • any other place where a continuous check of application/mechanism state is to be maintained
Features supported by data-streaming charts

The data-streaming charts support the following features:

  • Multiple dataset support with real time update for each of them.
  • Ability to send multiple data updates in each update i.e., a single poll to the server can come back with any number of data values update.
  • Ability to set different update and refresh interval. Update interval fetches the new data but doesn't change the view of chart. Refresh interval applies the updated data on chart's view.
  • Message Logger.
  • Alert Manager.
  • Annotations to render custom object.
  • STYLE support.
  • JavaScript API to set data, retrieve data, start/stop updates, clear chart.
  • JavaScript events can be raised when chart is initialized/rendered and data is updated.
  • Ability to clear chart & stop update from server.
  • Interactive legend to show/hide datasets in line/area charts.
  • Real-time vLine & trend-lines supported.
  • Context menu to help users enable/disable real-time updates.
  • Advanced number formatting support.
  • Pre-defined and automatic color palette support.