If you've set up a real-time chart that renders initially, but doesn't update in real time, check the following:

  • Check if path of dataStreamURL provided in XML is correct.
  • Check if you've specified a valid value for refreshInterval in your XML document.
  • Check if dataStreamURL is returning proper data. To test this, just open your browser and run this page. It should return the data in text format.
  • Make sure the output data doesn't contain any carriage returns or HTML elements. In many scripting languages, these are automatically added. You'll need to remove them.
  • You also need to make sure that the page which provides the incremental update data to FusionCharts must be hosted on the same sub-domain in which the chart .swf is hosted - otherwise, FusionWidgets, owing to Flash Sandbox security model, won't be able to receive updated data. Due to Flash sandbox security restrictions, you are allowed to retrieve data only from the same sub-domain in which the flash movie is residing. Data can only be loaded from a domain that is an exact match to the location of the SWF, including subdomains. For this reason a SWF residing at server1.mydomain.com will not be able to access data from a SWF at mydomain.com.

    If you wish to load data from a different domain, you can set up a proxy page at the same sub domain which would actually request data from the distant domain and then relay it to FusionWidgets. You must be able to upload and run a server-side script on a server in the same domain as the Flash movie. In this method, the Flash movie accesses the script, which loads the information, retrieves it, and returns the information back to the Flash movie. This method is best if the server hosting the data is not under your control (for example, a public source or a web service).

  • Switch on the debug mode of chart. It will provide you with a lot of valuable information when debugging.