FusionWidgets v3 Download Package contains the following. Please note that depending on the license that you've purchased, a few items might not be there.

SWF Files (Ready to use charts)
  All the charts are present in Download Package > Charts Folder. Whenever you need to create charts for a new web application, just copy these SWF files and paste it in your application.
FusionCharts JavaScript Class (applicable to FusionWidgets too)
  FusionCharts JavaScript Class is present in Download Package > JSClass Class. This class helps you embed charts in your HTML page in a more user-friendly way. Also, it helps avoid the Internet Explorer "Click to Activate this control" issue.
Server Side Export Handlers (Image/PDF Saving Scripts)
  The scripts that allow you to save FusionCharts as PDF/images at server-side are present in Download Package > ExportHandlers folder. Please refer to "Exporting as Image/PDF " section in documentation on how to use them.
Sample Code
  All the code that we refer to in this documentation, is present in Download Package > Code folder. These are ready to use code samples, that you can copy-paste and run. Just make sure that you copy the Charts along with the respective example, else you would get an empty screen with a never ending progress bar.
Chart Source Code
  If you've the source code license of FusionWidgets, you can find the source code at Download Package > SourceCode folder.
Chart Samples
  We've built a few chart samples for your viewing pleasure. These are present in Download Package > Gallery folder. You can also access them using the menu on left. Select Sample Charts.