You can also set the full chart as a single hotspot. This is useful, when you want to show a small thumbnail of the chart, which when clicked opens a detailed bigger chart.

To set the entire chart as a hotspot, just specify the target link in clickURL attribute of <chart> element as under:

<chart ... clickURL='DetailedChart.html' ...>

You can again specify the link in five ways:

  1. Simple link opening in same window
  2. Simple link opening in new window
  3. Link to another frame
  4. Link opening in a new pop-up window
  5. Existing JavaScript functions (on the same page) to be invoked as links

If you set the entire chart as hotspot, the other links on the chart (individual links for data plot) wouldn't work.

Example XML:
<chart caption='Monthly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2006' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Sales' numberPrefix='$' clickURL='n-'>
   <set label='Jan' value='17400' />
   <set label='Feb' value='19800' />
   <set label='Mar' value='21800' />
   <set label='Apr' value='23800' />
   <set label='May' value='29600' />
   <set label='Jun' value='27600' />