When the chart is in capture phase, it shows the export dialog as shown below:

The cosmetics of this dialog can be customized using the following attributes:

Attribute Name Type Description
showExportDialog Boolean (0/1) Whether to show the export dialog during capture phase. If not, the chart starts capturing process without the dialog visible.
exportDialogMessage String The message to be shown in the dialog box. The default is "Capturing Data : "
exportDialogColor Hex Color Background color of dialog box.
exportDialogBorderColor Hex Color Border color of dialog box.
exportDialogFontColor Hex Color Font color to be used for text in dialog.
exportDialogPBColor Hex Color Color of progress bar in dialog.
An example

Shown below is a customized dialog box:

It has the following parameters in XML:
<chart ... exportDialogColor='e1f5ff' exportDialogBorderColor='0372ab' exportDialogFontColor='0372ab' exportDialogPBColor='0372ab' ...>