Can I save the charts generated by FusionWidgets as image/PDF?

Yes - starting FusionWidgets v3.0.2, you can save images from FusionWidgets itself. Please see the section "Exporting Charts as Images/PDFs" to see how to do this.

Can I email the charts?
  Yes - you can email the charts as ActiveX Objects. But, most of the modern day email clients wouldn't show the chart for security reasons, as it's an ActiveX object.
Can FusionWidgets directly consume data from my database instead of XML?
  No - FusionWidgets cannot directly access any database, as it's based on Flash platform. You'll need to provide data to FusionWidgets in XML format only. For this, you'll have to set a middleware script (like ASP, PHP, .NET, ColdFusion, JSP etc.), which would access your database and then build the XML output for FusionWidgets.
Can I stop FusionWidgets from animating?
  Yes -very much. Just set <chart animation='0' ..> in your XML and the charts won't animate any more.
I've a DHTML Menu in the same page as the chart. The menu never comes over the chart even after altering the z-index. Can you please suggest a method to send the chart behind menu?

To allow DHTML objects appear over a Flash movie just add this parameter:

to the Flash <object> tag. It should look like this:
<param name="WMode" value="Transparent">

In order to support Mozilla-based browsers and other browsers, you should also include the wmode parameter in the <embed> tag, like this:
<embed wmode="transparent" .......></embed>

If you're using FusionCharts JavaScript class to embed the chart, you can just call the following method:

 <div id="chartdiv" align="center">The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var myChart = new FusionCharts("../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "900", "300", "0", "0");

I want to use a dataURL like Data.asp?id=1&subId=2 for the chart. How can I pass these attributes as a part of dataURL?
  Just URL-Encode the dataURL and then provide to the charts.
Can I use FusionWidgets v3 with my Flash 6/MX 2004 applications?

No - FusionWidgets v3 cannot be used with Flash 6 / MX 2004 applications as it has been coded in Flash 8 (ActionScript 2).

Can I use the charts as a part of my commercial product under the Developer/Professional/Site/Enterprise license?
  No - none of these licenses allow you to include FusionWidgets as a part of your commercial product. For that, you need an OEM license. Please contact us as to get more information on OEM license.
I want load the XML data from another domain name (website). Can you tell me how to do this?

Since Flash doesn't allow loading of XML documents/data from other domains, it is not directly possible to load data from other domains. However, a proxy page can do the trick.

For example, use a proxy page say Relayer.aspx which connects to the remote data, reads its and then locally relays to your chart.