Can I save the charts generated by FusionWidgets as image/PDF? |
Yes - starting FusionWidgets v3.0.2, you can save images from FusionWidgets itself. Please see the section "Exporting Charts as Images/PDFs" to see how to do this.
Yes - you can email the charts as ActiveX Objects. But, most of the modern day email clients wouldn't show the chart for security reasons, as it's an ActiveX object. |
Can FusionWidgets directly consume data from my database instead of XML? |
No - FusionWidgets cannot directly access any database, as it's based on Flash platform. You'll need to provide data to FusionWidgets in XML format only. For this, you'll have to set a middleware script (like ASP, PHP, .NET, ColdFusion, JSP etc.), which would access your database and then build the XML output for FusionWidgets. |
Can I stop FusionWidgets from animating? |
Yes -very much. Just set <chart animation='0' ..> in your XML and the charts won't animate any more. |
I've a DHTML Menu in the same page as the chart. The menu never comes over the chart even after altering the z-index. Can you please suggest a method to send the chart behind menu? |
To allow DHTML objects appear over a Flash movie just add this parameter:
to the Flash <object> tag. It should look like this:
<param name="WMode" value="Transparent">
In order to support Mozilla-based browsers and other browsers, you should also include the wmode parameter in the <embed> tag, like this:
<embed wmode="transparent" .......></embed>
If you're using FusionCharts JavaScript class to embed the chart, you can just call the following method:
<div id="chartdiv" align="center">The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var myChart = new FusionCharts("../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "900", "300", "0", "0");
I want to use a dataURL like Data.asp?id=1&subId=2 for the chart. How can I pass these attributes as a part of dataURL? |
Just URL-Encode the dataURL and then provide to the charts. |
Can I use FusionWidgets v3 with my Flash 6/MX 2004 applications? |
No - FusionWidgets v3 cannot be used with Flash 6 / MX 2004 applications as it has been coded in Flash 8 (ActionScript 2). |
Can I use the charts as a part of my commercial product under the Developer/Professional/Site/Enterprise license? |
No - none of these licenses allow you to include FusionWidgets as a part of your commercial product. For that, you need an OEM license. Please contact us as support@fusioncharts.com to get more information on OEM license. |
I want load the XML data from another domain name (website). Can you tell me how to do this?
Since Flash doesn't allow loading of XML documents/data from other domains, it is not directly possible to load data from other domains. However, a proxy page can do the trick.
For example, use a proxy page say Relayer.aspx which connects to the remote data, reads its and then locally relays to your chart.