In our previous examples, we had seen how to build XML data in a string variable using concatenation and then provide it to the chart.

However, often you'll feel the need to load external XML data and then provide it to chart. However, FusionWidgets chart doesn't directly accept path to the XML file. As such, you'll need to load the XML data in your code and then pass the XML object to the chart.

Here, we'll see an example.

An example

For this example, we first create a physical XML file named as MyData.xml and store the following data in this. We'll use this data to plot an angular gauge:

<chart showBorder='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' lowerLimitDisplay='Bad' upperLimitDisplay='Good' gaugeStartAngle='180' gaugeEndAngle='0' palette='1' numberSuffix='%' tickValueDistance='20' showValue='1'>
      <color minValue='0' maxValue='75' code='FF654F'/>
      <color minValue='75' maxValue='90' code='F6BD0F'/>
      <color minValue='90' maxValue='100' code='8BBA00'/>
      <dial value='92' rearExtension='10'/>
Now, we create ExternalData.fla in the same folder. It contains the background and other setup like MyFirstChart.fla. We just change the code present in Actions layer to:

* In this example, we'll show to load data stored in external XML files in the chart.
* Since the chart accepts only XML Objects (and not path to XML), you'll need to load
* the XML in your code and then pass the object to chart.
* In this example, we've stored data in an external XML file called MyData.xml
//Include the relevant files

#include "com/fusioncharts/is/includes/"
#include "com/fusioncharts/is/includes/"

//Import the required chart class.

// ------------- Load XML Data for the chart -------------- //
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
//Delegate the onLoad event of XML to our custom createChart function
xmlData.onLoad = createChart;

//createChart method is called when XML has loaded
function createChart(success){
   if (success){
      //Create the container movie clip. Note the use of _root here, as we're still
      //in scope of XML object. To come out of that, you may use Delegate class.

      var chartContainerMC:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ChartHolder",1);
      //Now, instantiate the chart using Constructor function of the chart.
      var myFirstChart:AngularGauge = new AngularGauge(chartContainerMC, 1, 450, 220, 20, 15, false, false, "", "EN", "noScale");
      //Convey the XML data object to chart.
      //Draw the chart
      trace("Error in loading data");

In the above code, we're:

  1. First including com/fusioncharts/is/includes/ & com/fusioncharts/is/includes/ - required files for pre-loading chart.
  2. Thereafter, we import the AngularGauge class .
  3. Now, since our data is present in the external MyData.xml file, we create an XML object named as xmlData and load this XML.
  4. We define the onLoad event handler of this XML object as our custom function createChart.
  5. Now, it is inside this function that we do the work of chart creation and rendering. We create the empty movie clip, initialize chart, set XML data as our XML object (xmlData) and finally render the chart.

As you can see, the only basic difference is that, here you're loading the XML in your objects and then providing it to the chart.

When you now compile the file, you'll get similar results.

Next, we'll see how to use the APIs exposed by chart.