In this section, we'll see the various possible configurations we can have for the task bar. Specifically, we'll be looking at following:

Let's see them one by one.

Task bars to indicate percent complete figures

FusionWidgets Gantt chart allows you to create task bars that can show percentage complete figures. For example, if you've a task which is only 50% complete, you can easily show the same on the chart by setting:

<task start='04/06/2007' end='07/21/2007' percentComplete='50' />

Here, percentComplete attribute takes a value between 0-100, which represents what percent of the task is complete. When you view this chart, you'll get the following result:

As you can see above, the part that is not complete has been filled by a shade of red. This color can be customized by setting:

<chart slackFillColor='00CCFF'...>

Here, we've changed the slack fill color to a shade of blue, as shown under:

Or, you can opt to show the slack without a fill by setting:

<chart showSlackAsFill='0' ...>

This will result in:

Showing the percent complete figures

If you want to show the percent complete figures as part of each task bar, you can set:

<chart showPercentLabel='1' ...>

This will result in:

You can also show the task label and percent figures together, as under:
Making the task bars appear like a group

If you want to represent a task as a parent group visually, you can set the showAsGroup attribute of <task> element to 1.

Consider the following XML:

<chart dateFormat='mm/dd/yyyy' caption='Project Gantt' subCaption='From 1st Feb 2007 - 31st Aug 2007' showSlackAsFill='0' showPercentLabel='1'>
      <category start='02/01/2007' end='04/01/2007' label='Q1' />
      <category start='04/01/2007' end='07/01/2007' label='Q2' />
      <category start='07/01/2007' end='09/01/2007' label='Q3' />
      <category start='02/01/2007' end='03/01/2007' label='Feb' />
      <category start='03/01/2007' end='04/01/2007' label='Mar' />
      <category start='04/01/2007' end='05/01/2007' label='Apr' />
      <category start='05/01/2007' end='06/01/2007' label='May' />
      <category start='06/01/2007' end='07/01/2007' label='Jun' />
      <category start='07/01/2007' end='08/01/2007' label='Jul' />
      <category start='08/01/2007' end='09/01/2007' label='Aug' />
   <processes fontSize='12' isBold='1' align='right' headerText='What to do?' headerFontSize='18' headerVAlign='bottom' headerAlign='right'>
      <process label='Research Phase' />
      <process label='Identify Customers' />
      <process label='Survey 50 Customers' />
      <process label='Interpret Requirements' />
      <process label='Study Competition' />
      <process label='Production Phase' />
      <process label='Documentation of features' />
      <process label='Brainstorm concepts' />
      <process label='Design & Code' />
      <process label='Testing / QA' />
      <process label='Documentation of product' />
      <process label='Global Release' />
   <tasks >
      <task start='02/04/2007' end='04/06/2007' showAsGroup='1' label='Research' showLabel='1'/>
      <task start='02/04/2007' end='02/10/2007' />
      <task start='02/08/2007' end='02/19/2007' />
      <task start='02/19/2007' end='03/02/2007' />
      <task start='02/24/2007' end='03/02/2007' />
      <task start='03/02/2007' end='08/27/2007' showAsGroup='1' label='Production' showLabel='1'/>
      <task start='03/02/2007' end='03/21/2007' />
      <task start='03/21/2007' end='04/06/2007' />
      <task start='04/06/2007' end='07/21/2007' />
      <task start='07/21/2007' end='08/19/2007' />
      <task start='07/28/2007' end='08/24/2007' />
      <task start='08/24/2007' end='08/27/2007' />

Here, we've added 2 more processes and 2 more tasks to group other tasks. The final result would be:
Using round corners for task bars

FusionWidgets allows you to use round corners for the task bars in Gantt chart, if you're NOT using the percentComplete feature.

To use round radius, you need to set:

<chart taskBarRoundRadius='6' ...>

You'll get the output as under:

Customizing tool text for task
If you roll over a task bar (whose label is not defined), you'll get the tooltext as Start Date - End Date for the task bar, as shown below:

If you've a label defined for the task, you can additionally see the labels as part of tool tip, as shown under:


If you want to show just the label and not dates in tool tip, you can set:

<chart dateInToolTip='0' ...>

It will result in:

Setting custom tool text for each task

You can also set custom tool text for each task using:

<task ... toolText='My own tool text' >

This will result in: