List of Chart Objects

Object Name Description STYLES supported Animation Parameters
BACKGROUND Background refers to the background for entire chart.
  • Animation
  • Shadow
  • Glow
  • Bevel
  • Blur
  • _alpha
  • _x
  • _y
  • _xScale
  • _yScale
CAPTION Caption of the chart.
  • Animation
  • Font
  • Shadow
  • Glow
  • Bevel
  • Blur
  • _alpha
  • _x
  • _y
SUBCAPTION Sub-caption of the chart.
  • Animation
  • Font
  • Shadow
  • Glow
  • Bevel
  • Blur
  • _alpha
  • _x
  • _y
PLOT Fill bar indicating chart value.
  • Animation
  • Shadow
  • Glow
  • Bevel
  • Blur
  • _alpha
  • _x
  • _y
  • _xScale
  • _yScale
TICKMARKS Lines indicating tick marks.
  • Animation
  • Shadow
  • Glow
  • Bevel
  • Blur
  • _alpha
  • _x
  • _y
TICKVALUES Tick values on the chart.
  • Animation
  • Font
  • Shadow
  • Glow
  • Bevel
  • Blur
  • _alpha
  • _x
  • _y
LIMITVALUES The starting and ending tick value (chart limits).
  • Animation
  • Font
  • Shadow
  • Glow
  • Bevel
  • Blur
  • _alpha
  • _x
  • _y
COLORRANGE Color range (showing qualitative range) bars.
  • Animation
  • Shadow
  • Glow
  • Bevel
  • Blur
  • _alpha
  • _x
  • _y
  • _xScale
  • _yScale
TARGET Line showing target values.
  • Animation
  • Shadow
  • Glow
  • Bevel
  • Blur
  • _alpha
  • _x
  • _y
  • _xScale
  • _yScale
TOOLTIP Tool tip for the chart.
  • Font

<chart> element

Attribute Name Type / Range Description
Functional Attributes
animation Boolean (0/1) This attribute lets you set the configuration whether the chart should appear in an animated fashion. If you do not want to animate any part of the chart, set this as 0.
defaultAnimation Boolean (0/1) By default, each chart animates some of its elements. If you wish to switch off the default animation patterns, you can set this attribute to 0. It can be particularly useful when you want to define your own animation patterns using STYLE feature.
clickURL URL in FusionCharts format The entire chart can now act as a hotspot. Use this URL to define the hotspot link for the chart. The link can be specified in FusionCharts Link Format.
palette Number (1-5) Each chart has 5 pre-defined color palettes which you can choose from. Each palette renders the chart in a different color theme. Valid values are 1-5.
paletteThemeColor Color Code If you want your own palette derived from a particular hex color, you an specify the same here. All other colors on the chart would automatically derive from that palette.
annRenderDelay Number (seconds) If you've defined any annotation groups over chart, using this attribute you can set the duration after which they'll render on the chart. The timer starts from the time the chart has initialized.
showPrintMenuItem Boolean (0/1) Whether to show "Print Chart" item in the context menu of the chart? Even if you opt to hide the item in context menu, you can still opt to invoke print() JavaScript method of the chart to print the same.
Chart Axis
setAdaptiveYMin Boolean (0/1) This attribute lets you set whether the y-axis lower limit would be 0 (in case of all positive values on chart) or should the y-axis lower limit adapt itself to a different figure based on values provided to the chart.
upperLimit Number This attribute helps you explicitly set the lower limit of the chart. If you don't specify this value, it is automatically calculated by FusionCharts based on the data provided by you.
lowerLimit Number This attribute helps you explicitly set the upper limit of the chart. If you don't specify this value, it is automatically calculated by FusionCharts based on the data provided by you.
upperLimitDisplay String If you want to display a string label instead of the chart upper limit, you can use this attribute.
lowerLimitDisplay String If you want to display a string label instead of the chart lower limit, you can use this attribute.
Chart captions & Axis labels
caption String Caption of the chart.
subCaption String Sub-caption of the chart.
Number Formatting Properties
formatNumber Boolean (0/1) This configuration determines whether the numbers displayed on the chart will be formatted using commas, e.g., 40,000 if formatNumber='1' and 40000 if formatNumber='0 '
numberPrefix String Using this attribute, you could add prefix to all the numbers visible on the graph. For example, to represent all dollars figure on the chart, you could specify this attribute to ' $' to show like $40000, $50000. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
numberSuffix String Using this attribute, you could add suffix to all the numbers visible on the graph. For example, to represent all figure quantified as per annum on the chart, you could specify this attribute to ' /a' to show like 40000/a, 50000/a. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
decimals Number Number of decimal places to which all numbers on the chart would be rounded to.
forceDecimals Boolean (0/1) Whether to add 0 padding at the end of decimal numbers? For example, if you set decimals as 2 and a number is 23.4. If forceDecimals is set to 1, FusionCharts will convert the number to 23.40 (note the extra 0 at the end)
formatNumberScale Boolean (0/1) Configuration whether to add K (thousands) and M (millions) to a number after truncating and rounding it - e.g., if formatNumberScale is set to 1, 1043 would become 1.04K (with decimals set to 2 places). Same with numbers in millions - a M will added at the end. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
defaultNumberScale String The default unit of the numbers that you're providing to the chart. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
numberScaleUnit String Unit of each block of the scale. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
numberScaleValue String Range of the various blocks that constitute the scale. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
scaleRecursively Boolean (0/1) Whether to scale the number recursively? For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
maxScaleRecursion Number How many recursions to complete during recursive scaling? -1 completes the entire set of recursion.
scaleSeparator String What character to use to separte the scales that generated after recursion?
decimalSeparator String This option helps you specify the character to be used as the decimal separator in a number. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
thousandSeparator String This option helps you specify the character to be used as the thousands separator in a number. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
inDecimalSeparator String In some countries, commas are used as decimal separators and dots as thousand separators. In XML, if you specify such values, it will give a error while converting to number. So, FusionCharts accepts the input decimal and thousand separator from user, so that it can covert it accordingly into the required format. This attribute lets you input the decimal separator. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
inThousandSeparator String In some countries, commas are used as decimal separators and dots as thousand separators. In XML, if you specify such values, it will give a error while converting to number. So, FusionCharts accepts the input decimal and thousand separator from user, so that it can covert it accordingly into the required format. This attribute lets you input the thousand separator. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
Plot properties
showValue Boolean (0/1) Whether to show the value for the chart?
plotAsDot Boolean (0/1) Whether to plot the value as bar or as dot?
plotFillPercent Number (0-100) Height percent of the color range that the plot fill bar should occupy?
targetFillPercent Number (0-100) Height percent of the color range that the plot fill bar should occupy?
plotFillColor Color Code Fill color for the plot bar.
plotFillAlpha Number (0-100) Fill alpha for the plot bar.
showPlotBorder Boolean (0/1) Whether to show border for the bar?
plotBorderColor Color Code Border color for the bar.
plotBorderThickness Number (Pixels) Border thickness for the bar.
plotBorderAlpha Number (0-100) Border alpha for the bar.
targetColor Color Code Color for the target line.
targetThickness Number (Pixels) Thickness for the target line.
Color Range properties
colorRangeFillMix String Gradient fill formula for color range.
colorRangeFillRatio Numbers separated by comma Ratio for each constituent color in the color range.
showColorRangeBorder Boolean (0/1) Whether to show border for color range?
colorRangeBorderColor Color Code Border color for the color range.
colorRangeBorderThickness Number (Pixels) Border thicknes for the color range.
colorRangeBorderAlpha Number (0-100) Border alpha for the color range.
roundRadius Number (pixels) If you want the color range to have rounded corners, you can specify round radius here.
showShadow Boolean (0/1) Whether to show shadow for color range?
Tick mark properties
showTickMarks Boolean (0/1) Whether to show tick marks?
showTickValues Boolean (0/1) Whether to show tick values?
showLimits Boolean (0/1) Whether to show limit values (chart upper and lower limit)?
ticksBelowGraph Boolean (0/1) Whether tick marks & values would appear under the graph or above it?
tickValueStep Number If you want to skip showing every n-th tick value, you can specify it here.
majorTMNumber Number Number of major tick marks on the chart.
majorTMColor Color Code Color of the major tick marks.
majorTMAlpha Number (0-100) Alpha of the major tick marks.
majorTMHeight Number (Pixels) Height of the major tick marks.
majorTMThickness Number (Pixels) Thickness of the major tick marks.
minorTMNumber Number Number of minor tick marks.
minorTMColor Color Code Color of minor tick marks.
minorTMAlpha Number (0-100) Alpha of minor tick marks.
minorTMHeight Number (Pixels) Height of minor tick marks.
minorTMThickness Number (Pixels) Thickness of minor tick marks.
tickMarkDistance Number (Pixels) Distance of tick mark from the color range.
tickValueDistance Number (Pixels) Distance of tick value from tick marks/color range.
adjustTM Boolean (0/1) Whether to automatically adjust number of major tick marks, so as to get best values?
Background Cosmetics
bgColor Color Code This attribute sets the background color for the chart. You can set any hex color code as the value of this attribute. To specify a gradient as background color, separate the hex color codes of each color in the gradient using comma. Example: FF5904,FFFFFF. Remember to remove # and any spaces in between. See the gradient specification page for more details.
bgAlpha Number (0-100) Sets the alpha (transparency) for the background. If you've opted for gradient background, you need to set a list of alpha(s) separated by comma. See the gradient specification page for more details.
bgRatio Numbers separated by comma If you've opted for a gradient background, this attribute lets you set the ratio of each color constituent. See the gradient specification page for more details.
bgAngle Number (0-360) Angle of the background color, in case of a gradient. See the gradient specification page for more details.
showBorder Boolean (0/1) Whether to show a border around the chart or not?
borderColor Color Code Border color of the chart.
borderThickness Number (Pixels) Border thickness of the chart.
borderAlpha Number (0-100) Border alpha of the chart.
bgSWF URL of SWF To place any Flash movie as background of the chart, enter the (path and) name of the background SWF. It should be in the same domain as the chart.
bgSWFAlpha Number (0-100) Helps you specify alpha for the loaded background SWF.
Font Properties
baseFont Font Name This attribute lets you set the font face (family) of all the text (data labels, values etc.) on chart. If you specify outCnvBaseFont attribute also, then this attribute controls only the font face of text within the chart canvas bounds.
baseFontSize Number This attribute sets the base font size of the chart i.e., all the values and the names in the chart which lie on the canvas will be displayed using the font size provided here.
baseFontColor Color Code This attribute sets the base font color of the chart i.e., all the values and the names in the chart which lie on the canvas will be displayed using the font color provided here.
Tool tip properties
showToolTip Boolean (0/1) Whether to show tool tip for the chart?
toolTipBgColor Color Code Background color for the tool tip
toolTipBorderColor Color Code Border Color for the tool tip.
Chart Paddings & Margins
captionPadding Number (Pixels) This attribute lets you control the horizontal space (in pixels) between the caption and left side of chart canvas.
valuePadding Number (Pixels) Distance between the value box and chart canvas.
chartLeftMargin Number (Pixels) Amount of empty space that you want to put on the left side of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.
chartRightMargin Number (Pixels) Amount of empty space that you want to put on the right side of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.
chartTopMargin Number (Pixels) Amount of empty space that you want to put on the top of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.
chartBottomMargin Number (Pixels) Amount of empty space that you want to put on the bottom of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.
canvasLeftMargin Number (Pixels) Left margin of canvas. Canvas will start from that position.
canvasRightMargin Number (Pixels) Right margin of canvas. Canvas will end at that position.

The chart also accepts the following XML elements, which have not been discussed here:

  • <styles> - Discussed in the section STYLEs