To allow image saving, you just need to set:

<chart ... imageSave='1' imageSaveURL='Path/FusionChartsSave.aspx or FusionChartsSave.php' ...>

And now copy the image saving script from Download Package > ImageSaving folder to the relevant path. This will enable the charts to export as image, as shown below:

When the user clicks on "Save as Image", he'll first be presented with this dialog box, after which the data is sent to server and returned as an image.
Attributes pertinent to image saving
You can specify the following attributes for <chart> element to configure image saving:
Attribute Name Attribute Type Description
imageSave Boolean (0/1) Whether to allow exporting of the chart as image?
imageSaveURL URL Path of the image saving script. This path has to be relative to the chart and should be on the same sub domain as the chart.
imageSaveDialogColor Hex Color Sets the color of the dialog box which the user sees while the pixels of the chart is being captured. By default, a white dialog is shown when the user intiates the export.
imageSaveDialogFontColor Hex Color Sets the font color of the dialog box which the user sees while the pixels of the chart is being captured.

If the chart doesn't save as image properly, you need to check for the following:

  • See if you've correctly set the image save script URL in XML.
  • Check if the URL is relative and resides in the same sub-domain.
  • If you're using PHP, you need to make sure that you've GD installed and enabled.
  • If you're using Perl, you need to make sure that you've Perl 5.8 or later with ImageMagick library and Perl bindings (aka Image::Magick perl module).
  • If you're using ColdFusion, you need to make sure that you've CFMX 6.1 or later (the image saving code depends on the 1.4 JRE which is included with CFMX
  • Make sure that any download tools like DAP etc. are not used to download the image, as they do not resend the POST data.