This section is meant for users who have implemented v3.0.x of FusionWidgets in their applications and are now upgrading to FusionWidgets v3.1.

All the features of FusionWidgets v3.1 are backward compatible with FusionWidgets v3.0.7, barring one - exporting charts as images/PDFs. So, if you're not using "Export as image" feature currently, you can just over-write your old chart SWF files with the new ones and the process is complete. However, if you do use the "Export as image" functionality and wish to use the new features of v3.1, please follow the steps below.


Making use of new "Export as Image/PDF" functionality

Since FusionWidgets now allows export of charts at both server and client side, there have been substantial changes in implementation. If you're currently using v3.0.x with server-side saving set as on, you'll need to:

  • Update your chart SWF files with the new v3.1 SWF files
  • Update your server-side image-saving scripts with the new FusionWidgets Export Handlers (server-side image saving scripts).
  • If you intend to save the charts on server, you'll have to configure the parameters in chart XML, as well as specify the temporary folder path in server-side FusionWidgets Export Handlers.
  • To choose another export format for the image, you'll again have to change the parameter in chart XML.

If you intend to use the new client-side FusionWidgets Exporter Component, please follow the instructions in the section "Exporting as Image/PDF"

Making use of new JavaScript events/methods

If you intend to make use of the new JavaScript events or methods exposed in v3.1, you'll have to make necessary modifications in your code. Please see the section "FusionWidgets & JavaScript" to get more details on the new API.

Existing JavaScript implementations using FC_Rendered or FC_Loaded events and setDataXML() and setDataURL() methods would continue to function without any problem.

Making use of % sizing (initial)
Starting FusionWidgets v3.1, you can now specify your chart's width and height in % (during initialization only). This sets the chart size with respect to the parent container that contains it. Please note that dynamic sizing with respect to browser is still not possible i.e., if you resize your browser, the charts would NOT resize accordingly.
Using Rotated fonts
If you were FusionWidgets in your Flash movies and using rotated fonts by embedding the fonts, you can now remove those embedded fonts. FusionWidgets v3.1 now displays rotated text without need for embedded fonts.