#This constant defines the name of the export handler jsp file - DO NOT MODIFY THIS!!! EXPORTHANDLER=FCExporter_ #Path where the export handler files are located #Please note that the resource path should be relative to #FCExporter.jsp file's directory #By default the path is "Resources/" RESOURCEPATH=Resources/ #Please specify the path to a folder with write permissions relative to web application root #The exported image/PDF files would be saved here. SAVEPATH=./images/ #This constant HTTP_URI stores the HTTP reference to #the folder where exported charts will be saved. #Please enter the HTTP representation of that folder #in this constant e.g., http://www.yourdomain.com/images/ HTTP_URI=http://www.yourdomain.com/images/ #OVERWRITEFILE sets whether the export handler would overwrite an existing file #the newly created exported file. If it is set to false the export handler would #not overwrite. In this case if INTELLIGENTFILENAMING is set to true the handler #would add a suffix to the new file name. The suffix is a randomly generated UUID. #Additionally, you can add a timestamp or random number as additional prefix. OVERWRITEFILE=false INTELLIGENTFILENAMING=true FILESUFFIXFORMAT=TIMESTAMP