<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% 'this page creates the map XML retrieving data from an array 'it will just just write out the XML data 'NOTE THAT THIS PAGE DOESN'T CONTAIN ANY HTML TAG, WHATSOEVER 'Declare array to store world population ' we use wolrd map with 8 entities/continents ' this 2 dimensional array will store 8 rows of data for each continent of the map ' first column of each row will store the Internal Id of each entity on the map ' second column will store population data of each entity dim dataArray(8,2) 'Store population data dataArray(1,1)="01" ' Internal ID of Asia dataArray(1,2)="3779000000" ' Asia's population dataArray(2,1)="02" ' Internal ID of Europe dataArray(2,2)="727000000"'population dataArray(3,1)="03"' Internal ID of Africa dataArray(3,2)="877500000"'population dataArray(4,1)="04"' Internal ID of North America dataArray(4,2)="421500000"'population dataArray(5,1)="05"' Internal ID of South America dataArray(5,2)="379500000"'population dataArray(6,1)="06"' Internal ID of Central America dataArray(6,2)="80200000"'population dataArray(7,1)="07"' Internal ID of Oceania dataArray(7,2)="32000000"'population dataArray(8,1)="08"' Internal ID of Middle East dataArray(8,2)="179000000"'population 'Declare strXML to store dataXML of the map dim strXML 'Opening MAP element strXML = "<map showLabels='1' includeNameInLabels='1' borderColor='FFFFFF' fillAlpha='80' showBevel='0' legendPosition='Bottom' >" 'Setting Color ranges : 4 color ranges for population ranges strXML = strXML & "<colorRange>" strXML = strXML & "<color minValue='0' maxValue='100000000' displayValue='Population : Below 100 M' color='CC0001' />" strXML = strXML & "<color minValue='100000000' maxValue='500000000' displayValue='Population :100 - 500 M' color='FFD33A' />" strXML = strXML & "<color minValue='500000000' maxValue='1000000000' displayValue='Population :500 - 1000 M' color='069F06' />" strXML = strXML & "<color minValue='1000000000' maxValue='5000000000' displayValue='Population : Above 1000 M' color='ABF456' />" strXML = strXML & "</colorRange>" 'Opening data element that will store map data strXML = strXML & "<data>" 'Using Data from array for each entity FOR i=1 TO ubound(dataArray) strXML = strXML & "<entity id='" & dataArray(i,1) & "' value='" & dataArray(i,2) & "' />" NEXT 'closing data element strXML = strXML & "</data>" 'closing map element strXML = strXML & "</map>" 'Set Proper output content-type Response.ContentType = "text/xml" 'Just write out the XML data 'NOTE THAT THIS PAGE DOESN'T CONTAIN ANY HTML TAG, WHATSOEVER response.Write strXML %>