Before going deeper into the codes and their logics, let us look at the database structure first. The database has been named as FusionMapsDB. |
The Access database is present in Download Package > Code > CS_NET > DrillDown > App_Data. |
We have used 4 tables in the database, here are the details of all the tables. |
This table stores the intenal IDs of each state in US map and their corresponding map file names. |
Internal_Id |
Text |
This represents individual State present in the US MAP. |
s_name |
Text |
This stores short name of the states used in US MAP. |
l_name |
Text |
This stores full name of the states in US MAP. |
map_swf |
Text |
This is FusionMap Flash File name. |
We use different .swf files to display different maps. This table stores the .swf file name required to display the maps in our example along with the Internal Ids of that map. We also store abbreviated and real names of the parts of the maps in this table. |
This table stores the names of major Category groups regarding employment. |
group_id |
Number |
Group ID i.e 1/2/3 |
group_name |
Text |
Group Name i.e business, service, unemployed |
This table stores the name and id of the employment groups, i.e. Business and Service. It also stores 'Unemployed' as a group here. |
This table stores the subgorup names of each group said above. |
group_id |
Number |
Group id of Group Master |
subgroup_id |
Number |
Subgroup id i.e 1/2/3/4/5 |
subgroup_name |
Text |
Subgroup name of individual Group Master i.e business -> software , business -> automobile |
Each group is divided into various sub-groups, e.g.
- We divide Business into Automobile, Communication, Evergy, Finance and Software subgroups.
- We divide Service under Administration, Education, Law, Postal and Security subgroups.
- We divide Unemplyed group into different age-groups like 20-30 years, 30-40 years, 40-50 years, 50-60 years and 60 above.
This table stores subgroup names, unique subgroup ids and the parent group id for each subgroup. |
This table stores the data for each subgroup for each entity for each state. Hence, this table is the main storehouse of data which we will use in our code. |
Internal_Id |
Text |
This represents individual State present in the USA MAP [Internal Id from fcmap_master] |
entity_id |
Text |
This represents individual internal id of eatch USA State entity |
group_id |
Number |
group id related to fcmap_group_master |
subgroup_id |
Number |
subgroup id related to fcmap_subgroup_master |
data |
Number |
This field stores the actual population data for each sub group of each county of each state of US. |
fcmap_distribution stores the actual data that are to be plotted in our example. It stores the number of people in each of the subgroups mentioned above along with respective subgroup id, group id, county code and state code. |
Now, let's look at the Relations among these tables. |
The snap below shows the relationship among all the tables used in this database. |