For exporting the chart as image or pdf on server side using Ruby on Rails, the following files are required. FILES REQUIRED ----------------------------------- Controllers ----------- /Fusioncharts/ 1. fc_exporter_controller.rb 2. fc_exporter_img_controller.rb 3. fc_exporter_pdf_controller.rb lib --- fusioncharts/exporter/ 4. error_handler.rb 5. error_messages.rb 6. generator.rb 7. properties.rb 8. save_helper.rb views ----- 9. error.html.erb For Save As JPG / PNG/ GIF, RMagick is the pre-requisite. Please install RMagick and all its dependencies. For saving as PDF, 'zlib' is the pre-requisite. SET-UP ----------------------------------------- 1. Copy the controllers (1,2,3) into controllers/Fusioncharts in your application. 2. Copy the lib folder along with lib files (4,5,6,7,8) into lib folder of your application. 3. Copy the fc_exporter folder along with error.html.erb into the views folder of your application. Now in the xml for the chart, specify the exporthandler value to be "Fusioncharts/fc_exporter/index" Sample Builder XML with export attributes is shown below: xml = xml.chart(:caption=>'Monthly Unit Sales', :xAxisName=>'Month', :yAxisName=>'Units', :showValues=>'0', :formatNumberScale=>'0', :showBorder=>'1',:exportEnabled=>'1', :exportHandler=>'/Fusioncharts/fc_exporter/index', :exportFormats=>'JPG|PDF',:exportaction=>'download',:exporttargetwindow=>'_self') do xml.set(:label=>'Jan',:value=>'462') xml.set(:label=>'Feb',:value=>'857') xml.set(:label=>'Mar',:value=>'671') xml.set(:label=>'Apr',:value=>'494') xml.set(:label=>'May',:value=>'761') xml.set(:label=>'Jun',:value=>'960') xml.set(:label=>'Jul',:value=>'629') xml.set(:label=>'Aug',:value=>'622') xml.set(:label=>'Sep',:value=>'376') xml.set(:label=>'Oct',:value=>'494') xml.set(:label=>'Nov',:value=>'761') xml.set(:label=>'Dec',:value=>'960') end That's it.